Sunday, July 3, 2011

One size doesn't fit all

I know from personal experience that one size never fits all. It doesn't matter whether the subject is clothing, lifestyles, or cancer treatment choices. 

After I was diagnosed with PCa, I was presented with a dizzying array of options for treatment which included doing nothing at all. As a child of science, I created by chemistry and born by biology, so I approached this the same way I would approach any other problem. 

There is almost always more than one way to solve a problem, the difficult part is choosing the solution that maximizes winning for all stakeholders. In this case, I was the primary stakeholder so my vote counted the most. 

I had favorable biopsy parameters. I read and read and read until I felt that I knew enough. It was a tough and trying time for me and my family.  I took a few months to decide what to do. 

For better or worse, I had my prostate removed. I am at peace with my decision.  I made the right decision for me. The process I used is the process every man should use on that difficult journey to their decision. 

I do not advocate one type of treatment prostate cancers.  One size or one treatment……doesn’t fit all.

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